What we do better
The benefits of storage to wholesale electric markets are well known.
From inception, EMeister MPC takes it to the next level – harnessing the free drywall and concrete in large commercial buildings for high efficiency, grid‐scale energy storage in urban centers.
·Faster market penetration of, and more effective, energy efficiency – EMeister MPC applications improve the ROI on HVAC efficiency investment; and align long-lived building and HVAC investments with rapidly evolving electric grids and increasingly aggressive carbon objectives.
·Freeing utility capex for better use – EMeister MPC storage at local scale substitutes for expensive underground distribution system improvements, increasingly risky long-term investments in the face of a growing energy efficiency mandate.
·Mitigating electric price/volume volatility – for a building, a portfolio of buildings, or an entire urban market, by providing demand elasticity, especially on the hottest days with the highest prices.
·Best environmental opportunity – All kWh are not the same. A marginal carbon emission rate reveals opportunities that vary by region, season, weather, time‐of‐day, and hour. EMeister’s multi-objective optimization protocols reduce and shift demand from less efficient, higher emitting generators operating at the margin during the afternoon to more efficient, lower emitting generators operating at the margin at night. When deployed at scale, EMeister displaces the marginal baseload generator from operation every day … for greatest environmental benefit.
Deploying EMeister MPC storage technology at scale in the urban core provides a strategically located grid resource (without battery safety or siting concerns) – for hedging electric price/volume risk, for substantially reducing generating plant emissions, and for grid frequency regulation and operating reserves needed to accommodate intermittent wind and solar energy resources.